Eugene Fencers Club

Welcome to the Eugene Fencers Club website!

EFC teaches the Olympic sport of fencing to youth, teens, and adults, beginners and experienced fencers.

The Village School Gymnasium
3411 Willamette St.
Eugene, OR 97405

The ample multi-sport gym is ideal for fencing, providing our fencers and coaches with plenty of room for classes, bouting and individual lessons.


See Club Info & Schedule for calendar.

Try Fencing!

Celebrate Presidents Day by learning to fence like George, Abe, and others did.

In Washington's day, you were never fully dressed without a sword, so he started young. He was known as "the best swordsman in Virginia" and even started a fencing club.

Swords were still used when Lincoln was a captain in the militia. He came close to fighting a duel with sabres, but as the challenged party, he defined the conditions and made sure his hight and longer reach would have been decisive.

Join our next Beginners One class on Monday, February 17th. Class for youth (8 through 11 years old) is 6:30 - 7:20 PM, for teens and adults, 7:30 - 8:20 PM. The six-week class will introduce you to the sport and let you experience the excitement. We provide all the special gear. All you need are clothes for exercising, athletic shoes, a water bottle, and a sense of adventure.

Contact John at or (541)203-0114 for more information.